Caña Dulce y Caña Brava | Visit Mesa

Caña Dulce y Caña Brava

Caña Dulce y Caña Brava navigates the Root and Song. They make us breathe deeply and connect us to the musical ancestors of our land; songs from a woman’s perspective and an origin worth appreciating.
—Lila Downs
Caña Dulce y Caña Brava offers a performance which exhibits the music, poetry, dance, and traditional attire of Veracruz, Mexico, interpreted by artists who are beneficiaries of the jarocho culture and noteworthy performers with years of experience on both national and international stages. The group stands out as an artistic project that highlights women’s voices and perspectives within the traditionally masculine world of Mexican son. The ensemble expertly unites the traditional with the vanguard in a vivid contemporary stage production.
The zapateado (percussive dance) on the tarima (wooden platform) accentuates the beat, while the band’s colorful wardrobe embellishes their musicality. Appealing instrumental landscapes include the captivating vibrations of the horse jaw, the profound and mystical harmonies of the harp, the percussive atmosphere created by the jarana, the robust rhythm of the guitarra grande, and the Renaissance-sounding bowed instruments created ex profeso for the group, resurrecting extinct baroque instrumentation.

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  • Location: Musical Instrument Museum
  • 4725 E Mayo Blvd
  • Phoenix, Arizona 85050
  • Time:
    7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Add to calendar: Ical, Google
(480) 478-6000 Visit Website Directions