Marketing and Branding Resources
The following collection of marketing resources covers everything from basic social media “know-how” to more advanced tips & tricks.
Being “City Limitless” means allowing all people to come and enjoy Mesa just the way they are. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a never-ending effort.
This collection of resources is meant to be a starting-off point in the journey of becoming inclusive and welcoming to everyone.
Visit Mesa has a wonderful partnership with ONE Community, the coalition of socially responsible businesses, organizations and individuals who are moving diversity, inclusion, equity and equality forward for all Arizonans.
They have graciously given us these resources to share with your team:
LGBTQ Marketing Presentation
UNITY Summit Inclusivity in Leadership
UNITY Summit Inclusive Recruiting
Take a deeper dive by signing up for the ONE Community Institute
Destinations International has provided these great resources for us to better understand the following topics:
In addition, be sure to watch these videos:
Visit Mesa has completed a comprehensive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion assessment with Tourism Diversity Matters (TDM), an organization committed to addressing the gaps of ethnic disparities within the tourism and events industry while providing industry leaders with resources and tactics to develop more effective diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies to engage, recruit and retain a diverse workforce.
Please take a few moments to review the final assessment from the survey issued by Tourism Diversity Matters for Visit Mesa's organizational assessment. This report outlines the DEI practices already going well and where opportunities for improvement lie. Visit Mesa will utilize this assessment as we move forward with implementing a long-term DEI strategy.
Our partners at Tourism Diversity Matters encourage you to view these conversation-starting videos:
Marketing and Branding Resources
The following collection of marketing resources covers everything from basic social media “know-how” to more advanced tips & tricks.
Accessibility Resources
Being “City Limitless” means allowing all people to come and enjoy Mesa just the way they are. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is a never-ending effort. This collection of resources is meant to…
City Limitless Resources
It is important for everyone on your staff to know and understand the “brand” of Mesa.
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